So now it is Thursday and she seems fussy to start the day. I had already decided that I was calling the doctor if she woke up fussy because she was not acting like herself at all! Plus, she had a runny nose, cough, congestion and had been pulling at her ear. I wasn't sure if this was teething (She has cut 9 teeth since we have been home!!!!) or if she was really sick. I went ahead and made an appointment for 2:30 Thursday afternoon. I don't want to drag her to the doctor everytime she sneezes, but I wanted to rule out sickness so I could decide if it were an adoption issue. I did have to run to the bank, and wanted to 'test' the carseat issue. She got in with ease and sat happily the whole time!
We got home and my dad had come to paint some trim that he and John are going to lay this weekend. She was so excited to see him! She had dozed off in the car for a few minutes, but when I got her out she started kicking her legs with excitement. He came in before he left to play for a minute. She sat in the chair for a minute with me trying to get her to say 'che' for my dad. She just pulled up her shirt instead! :)
I don't know who likes who more?!?!?
When Grampy left, we headed for her nap. She went down fairly easily and rested well. While she slept, I got some laundry done with Oscar's help! Sad but true, since we aren't sleeping in our VERY COMFY bed, it is useful for dumping the clean laundry on until I can fold it! I look at the bed and remember telling John the night before we left, "sleep good tonight, it will be a long time before we get to sleep in here again." Those clean sheets are waiting for me! :)
I went in to wake her up so we could go to her doctors appointment and she woke up happy as a clown! We went on to the doctor to learn that she has a cold. I was glad we went because to me, that confirmed her fussiness! She must have felt HORRIBLE this week with all the teeth and the cold.
We left the doctor and went to get some yogurt with our friends Ashley and Everley! The girls always have fun together, and this time was no different! From there, I dropped her off at home to hang out with John and headed out for the first time by myself since she has been home!!!
I made sure I didn't stay gone too long because I didn't want to miss storytime or bedtime.
That brings me to today. We haven't left the house and have played all day! We went on the back porch for some bubble time while the sun was out briefly, but then came back in because it was cold when the sun wasn't out. I grabbed a quick shower and snapped some shots of what Olivia does while I was quickly getting ready for the day. Showers MUST be quick around here.
Even with a bucket of toys in there, she would rather empty the drawers and cabinets. I got more safety locks for the cabinets since yesterday when I got out of the shower she had fingernail polish remover, lotion, body splash, nail polish, face wash, scope, John's cologne, and Q-tips out. I figured it was probably no time at all before she figured out how to open all of that! Better be safe than sorry! Into everything I tell ya!
We are super excited about the weekend. It is suppose to be gorgeous and we are hopeful that some yard work can get done. We will see. Regardless, just seeing the sun is a plus around here!
I put Bates in the bathtub when I shower. He'll play happily for about 12 minutes. I can see him from the shower, so I can peek on him. Don't know what I'll do with two....
ReplyDeleteOh man, the floor? Can yall,pull your mattress to her room or buy an air mattress? That sounds rough! Lol, she is into everything! Fun age, but at least she is super cute while doing it! Sorry about all. Those teeth, Ouch! Annelise has zero, we are all in for it! You are doing a great job with her, BTW! Go mama!