This morning we went to the Discovery Center in Murfreesboro with our friends MaryLeigh and Bates. It took them both a few minutes to warm up to each other, but I think they had fun overall. We stayed in 'tot land' since there was a school of kiddos that showed up. Nice!!!
After we played a bit we headed to Chick Fil A for lunch. Bates sat like a nice little gentleman and my monkey was everywhere! She was quiet and nice though. Always a plus. :)
We came home for her nap and then we got dinner together. After a yummy dinner, we gave Olivia another oreo. Tonight we introduced 'oreo dipping.' YUM! I guess you can tell by the pictures that she LOVED it!!!!
During her bath tonight, I asked John to come in and watch her for a minute so I could make a phone call. She was in there just laughing and playing while I was on the phone. I went in there and asked John where all of her toys were. He said, "She is ready to be done. She picked every toy up and put it in the net and looked at me." So, I gave her a bath, with her help and then we got out for the rest of our normal bedtime routine. Hopefully we will get some rest tonight. Last night we were up from 1 a.m. - 5 a.m. I think her allergies or something must be bothering her?????
Pray for us tomorrow. We return to Vanderbilt for some testing that won't be fun for our little one.
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