Thursday, April 14, 2011

Playtime with Landon

Today started as most do.....behind before we even start. Landon was coming over to play, but Olivia and I had to take Oscar to the vet. He woke up yesterday with his eye swollen shut, but we had to take Olivia to her appointments. I gave him an allergy pill and off we went. I noticed yesterday afternoon that the light was bothering him and that his eye wasn't as open as it should be. So, this morning, at 9:30 we headed to the vet. I mentioned the time because 9:30 was when Traci was bringing Landon over to play. Luckily, we were both on Laura and Traci time and 10:30 worked better for both of us. We know by now when we make plans that we can count on one another to text and ask for at least 15-30 extra minutes. Love that!!! I love you Traci! :)
So, poor Oscar has a scratch on his eye and now I have eye drops to do three times a day plus his ear drops twice a day. Poor guy! He is such a love!

When Landon got here, the two kiddos took off. They played puzzles, blocks, watched a little Sid the Science Kid, ate lunch, played with bubbles, and ran around a lot! They really played well together. Traci said when he got home she rocked him for two minutes and he was sound asleep. Same thing here. I rocked Olivia and she slept for 3 1/2 hours! She NEVER does this! Landon, you have to come back soon and play!!! We had a ton of fun!

When Olivia woke up, we went and met my parents at Cracker Barrell for a quick dinner. John and I drove separately because I had Bunco afterward. This is only the second time I have been away from her, and I must say that I did miss her! John kept her up until I got home because I don't want her to go to bed without us both home yet. He came out to meet me and Oscar got to me first and then little Olivia came running. John took the stuff in my hands and I carried Olivia and Oscar in. We came in and played for a minute and then it was bedtime.

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