This last week we have been somewhat busy. It has been really fun though! My very dear friend Traci has twin girls that are 7 mos. old and a sweet little boy that just turned 2 in April. Unfortunately, Traci's Grams is not doing so well, so we were able to step in and help since her in-laws are out of town and her husband Michael has a new job. Ashley and I have alternated every 2 nights since last Tuesday. She kept them Tues. and Wed. and I had them Thurs. and Fri. Landon was here only Tuesday to play and then went home. Unfortunately, Landon got a pretty bad stomach bug. He joined us on Saturday after I got the girls taken back to Ashley's house. (I am sure this sounds very much like a 3-ring circus!--Organized chaos, people!) :) So....that puts us here on Sunday. Grams condition is worsening and Traci needs to be with her mom, Granddaddy, and Grams. Ashley brought the girls here tonight about 8:30 because Miss. Everley (Ashley's 3 year old) has her first dance recital this week and dress rehersal is tomorrow. She will do great, but it is going to be a very busy day for them. So, here tonight, my house has 4 kiddos under 2 1/2. They are all asleep now and hopefully it will be a smooth night. So far, the rest of the week has gone well. I love knowing that there are 4 kids here! Here are some highlights from our week with our buddies! My mom made the best statement the other day. She said, "it has been amazing to watch our friendships. We are all so close and take care of each other." That is so true. I would not have made the journey through infertility and adoption process without many long talks with Traci. We pull together when needed. Traci, Ashley, Cassie, Amy and a few other sweet friends literally carried me through our process. Traci and I have cried, laughed, and cried some more together. I think it is true that God gives you a few true friends. Thank you Traci for entrusting me with your most precious gifts this past week. I have truly enjoyed it!!!
Dinner time!
Annelyn and Leslie came by Thursday. They came to town to check on mom and then came over and ended up eating dinner and helping out!
Ellie clapped and Whitney thought it was hilarious!
Oscar couldn't figure out why he couldn't get a bite. He watched the spoon go back and forth.
Olivia helped her daddy carry the girls out to the car to take them to Ashley on Friday.
I guess my bed needed mowing? See the cow lawn mower in the background? Olivia carried it from down stairs and then put it on my bed.
They played with the train. (and every other toy in the house) :)
We went to Chick Fil A, Target and the airport (not all on the same day)
We were waiting on our friends to arrive with their newest addition, Brodie!
We played bubbles!
We settled in at night with Berenstain Bears.
Olivia loved the babies. She helped with some of the feedings.
Olivia and Landon stood on their heads. Olivia is really big into turning flips at the moment. They thought this was a fun game!
You are a good friend! My sister has twin boys so I know how much work (and precious) twins are!